
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 11: Eladrin Warlord

Sorry about getting this one online a little later than usual today. Normally I can shoot and upload before work , but I had to start at 7:30 a.m., and have only just now been able to take a break. I originally bought this mini to be an Eladrin Warlord for a D&D game that never actually got off the ground. I loved the way the mini looked online, but once I got my hands on it I noticed the head has some odd proportions to it. The cheeks are sunken, the ears are high on the skull, the eyes aren't quite level, etc. The forehead was also really high, so I modeled her a circlet to mitigate that.

If you're curious, & you don't know 4th edition D&D, they divided elves into two categories. Woodland type elves (copper & wild elves in prior editions) stayed "Elves", while magical leaning subraces (like the sun & moon elves) became "Eladrin". Eladrin also tend to have seasonal themes, so I picked a summery green.



  1. Do you remember where you bought this mini, by any chance? I want to get one just like it and paint it just like yours.

  2. Thanks. The mini is Reaper's Loryn Stormblade. You can find it here:

    I did a little bit of modeling by adding the tiara/circlet, since the mini's forehead was so high. Have a good time painting it!

