
Saturday, March 23, 2013

40k Giveaway: Grey Knights Inquisitor

I'd intended to do this in February, but figured I'd hold off until i had a semblance of balance in my life.

So now that things are in a slightly better, here's the next giveaway: A Grey Knight Inquisitor with Combi-weapon. Sure, I know what you're thinking: "but Muninn, who would want that? Nobody plays Grey Knights!" Well I won't hold that against anyone who just wants a nice mini. :P

This guy was given to me a while back by a friend who gave up the hobby. I already have a few inquisitors, and I'm not a Grey Knight player, so having extras that I don't intend to paint seems excessive.

So you can have him. Just follow the steps below. 

The rules are simple:
1)  Be a public follower of this blog (I want to see you in the 'Members' gadget on the right).
2)  Leave a comment below saying that you want this mini. (I'll do the drawing March 31st)
3)  If you promo my giveaway on your blog or website you'll be entered to win twice (Make sure to let me know if you do).
4)  If you win the item, come back and leave a comment once you've received it saying,"Hey, I got it!"
May the odds be ever in your favor.


  1. I want this mini!

    Btw, love the blog - are you and Yorrick going to continue your Dark Vengeance paint-off?

    1. We both still intend to finish our DV minis, but I know we both have phases where our interest waxes & wanes. Both of us have several irons in the fire at the moment, so it'll probably be at least summer before we get anything more completed on those minis.

  2. Hey, that is the cool Inquisitor I never got! I would love to win!

    Also tossed on my blog!

  3. I'm always game for a giveaway, and it'd be a perfect excuse to start some inq28 shenanigans...

  4. I'd love to win this rascal. I've also promoed the giveaway on my blog, Dispatches from the Rim.

  5. I'm going to bat 2 for 2! Throw me in, unless I can't win everything...

  6. Always up for entering a giveqway :)

  7. Done and Done so put me down for two entries please. PS loving the PC conversions, keep them coming...

    1. sorry forgot to link to my post

  8. Would love an Inquisitor to lead my Imperial Planetary Defense Force

  9. that looks like a fun model to paint! put me in the drawing please :D
