
Monday, September 17, 2012

If Poems were Chapters

There are a number of homages to the literary word in the Warhammer universe. The two most obvious are the Raven Guard, who were derived from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven", and the Dark Angels who are based from Lionel Johnson's preeminent poem "Dark Angel."

There are probably a few more references around the 40k galaxy, but I'm not immediately familiar with them.

I thought it could be fun to pick through some other poems & turn them into their own Space Marine Chapters. Mind you, several of these chapters have *nothing* to do with with the poem, but then again neither does "Dark Angel."

Ashen Wraiths
Poem: "Ashes of Soldiers" by Walt Whitman
Colors: Light Grey with Dark Grey stripes 
Concept: Known for the eerie silence they bring to the battlefield, these Raven Guard successors inherited their founder's tactical acumen and albino skin.
Motto: "Draw close, but speak not"

Zephyr Knights
Poem: "Fast rode the Knight" by Stephen Crane
Colors: Silver with Green
Concept: A chapter from a medieval world, they are dedicated to sudden & devastating assaults, these marines specialize in bike and speeder tactics.
Warcry:"To save my lady!"

Dead Souls
Poem: "My Native Land" by Sir Walter Scott
Colors: Black with Gold accents
Concept: A fleet chapter well known for their nihilistic tendencies, they navigate the edges of the Eye of Terror as a constant guard. Fellow chapter the Dawn Hawks have rebuked them for their lack of piety, despite their excellent deeds.

Lunar Flames
Poem: "Carnal Apple, Woman Filled, Burning Moon" by Pablo Neruda
Colors: White & Crimson halved
Concept: Created to smoke out and punish heresy within imperial communities, this chapter is known for the numerous burnt cities they have left in their wake.

Dawn Hawks
Poem: "Hurt Hawks" by Robinson Jeffers
Colors: Yellow with Navy Blue
Concept: Shielded as much by faith as by armor the Dawn Hawks extoll the Emperor with every action. Stationed near the Eye of Terror they are frequently at odds with their allies the Dead Souls whose dour demeanor is a sharp contrast to their own exultation.


  1. Great topic. I've always thought that 'the second coming' by William Butler Yeats sounds like the fall of a loyalist chapter to chaos.

  2. Thanks, I might do it again since it was kinda fun to do. I might have to it again in the future since it was kinda fun to come up with the concepts.

    I might have to switch media though. Use books or songs or movie titles (Several of my friends agreed that the "Die Harders" would make an excellent nickname for a Cadian Regiment).

    As far as Yeats is concerned I can easily see how that could translate to a chapter crusading in the distant galaxy where light of the Astronomicon is like a faint candle. They falter & fall in on themselves, those remaining dedicate themselves to Chaos under the new name, The Pitiless Suns.
