
Monday, September 10, 2012

Yorrik: Guardians of the Covenant

As soon as Dark Vengeance dropped Yorrik & I stepped into a friendly competition to see who could complete it faster. For the Dark Angels side he decided to go with the Guardians of the Covenant successor chapter here:

Yorrik is really fast (that's what she said), and I have a fairly time-intensive job, so I don't hold out a lot of hope in completing the whole box before him. I've made some good headway though. Almost all of the minis built & based, and my Tactical Squad is ready for its first wash. My minis won't be as distinctive or identifiable as Yorrik's, but hopefully that'll help when I sell them.



  1. These guys look great, it's cool seeing the DV minis in a different scheme. However, after loads of Grey Knights content on the blogosphere for months, I was a little confused at first!
    Looking forward to seeing your stuff too

  2. Boltgun metal is a good base for speed-painting. I mainly bought the Dark Vengeance box for the Chaos minis and the rulebook, so I decided on something quick and clean for the Dark Angels. A friend of mine was quick to point out that they look like Grey Knights from a distance, but I'm not too worried about it. One of my favorite elements of the squad is that each battle brother has their name painted on the right shoulderpad tactical symbol - a detail you can't see from the pic angles.

  3. They look sweet! is it just a boltgun metal basecoat with a wash?!

  4. Boltgun metal, mithril silver highlight, nuln oil wash. Easiest scheme I've ever done.

    1. Did you do a nuln oil wash all over or only in the recesses?

    2. I believe he lightly washed the whole thing.

  5. Decided to paint my Guardians in a similar style, thanks for putting these up. Do you have plans painting up the terminators and bikes in the near future as well?

  6. Since I am (technically) in a race with Brother Muninn to finish the Dark Vengeance box, yes I will be painting the rest of the Dark Angel minis. Right now I have basecoats on all of the remaining marines, but my painting time has been taken up by other interests recently.

  7. Really nice...I'm a new Guardians player.
    I haven't had a chance to do any painting yet. I will definitely be using these as a guide + my own tweaks (might go a bit darker on the red and more gold trim)

    But can you tell me all the colours you used in this? I still need to buy more paints and I don't want to get the wrong ones.

  8. Is it possible to leave here detailed instruction how the painter made that tactical squad with all the layers and colours used ? Thanks a lot
