
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Test Mini: Dark Angels Green

Continuing on my road to Dark Vengeance I decided to work on an easy Dark Angels green technique.  I'm still not over my lover-fest with Krylon paints, so I picked up some Indoor/Outdoor Hunter Green (Satin finish) spray the other night and started in on it.

After priming I got one good layer of the green down, and that's all it took.

There's a slight rough patch or the left greave, but that should be easy to fix.

If you recall i needed to apply at least 2 coats for my Deep Red test mini. I'm guessing it has to do with the difference in coverage between red and green pigments. You know how many layers it took to get a clean looking red mini compared to a green or blue one? It's the same principle. The green paint can probably carry more pigment without trouble or something like that.

Which means that when it comes down to it, I'll be able to paint these Dark Angel Tac. Marines pretty darn fast.

Anyhoo, once the spray dried I gave the whole thing a Badab Black wash and went to bed.

The next day I gave it a once over with Dark Angels green.

Lastly I added a few highlights of Warpstone Glow, and a wash of Thraka Green, & it was done.

So to recap:
1. Prime Black
2. A coat of Hunter Green Krylon
3. Wash of Badab Black
4. Layer of Dark Angels Green
5. Highlight of Warpstone Glow
6. Wash of Thraka Green

It isn't really high quality, but for relatively quick steps I'd say it's above table-top and the longest part is waiting for the washes to dry.


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