
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mayday, Mayday: I might go crazy

As you may have seen on my blog, one year ago today I set out to challenge myself to paint a miniature a day, for 31 days. It was a daunting task, and one I wasn't completely sure I could handle.

It was a success.

Many things have changed in the year since then. Most notably, my wife and I spawned two wonderful, screaming poop-factories.

Regardless of this major, life-changing/affirming event I'm going to try it again. The goal remains the same: 31 minis in 31 days.

A few things will change from the previous year:
* I'm working without a safety net. Last year I had multiple backup minis prepared to paint in case my work day went too long, this year I don't.
* I won't be sticking as strictly to my weekly categories. There might be an imperial assassin, followed by a Farseer, followed by a samurai, who knows?
* I won't be working as much on individual, characterful, minis as much as working on units. Much of it Tau.
* The photos will be of a slightly lower quality since I don't have access to my work studio.

This year is also different because I'm not actually working at the newspaper right now. I've been on leave, taking care of the twins full time as their mother works, which leaves me only a few short hours every days for extracurriculars like showering, eating, or catching up on much needed rest. The wacky newspaper hours have been replaced by wacky tag-team infant hours.

This should be interesting.

Welcome to Muninn's May Mini Madness 2013: Nightmare Mode



  1. All the best. Of course you are the author of your own nightmare so I will be curious to see if it takes on a life of it's own...

    1. I am indeed, but I've mentioned before that I'm a glutton for punishment.


  2. Good Luck to you! Knowing that children are indeed the killers of time...

    1. They've been compliant so far today, but that can change at the drop of a hat.

