Friday, August 28, 2020

Legend of the Five Rings minis

In 2018 Privateer Press announced it was teaming up with Fantasy Flight to create a line of miniatures for the property reboot. These minis would be released as series of limited edition subscriptions, or MiniCrates. Kind of like a Mini-of-the-Month club.

Because they are monthly subscriptions, and changing all the time, it can be hard to scrounge up the mini art, so I'm posting them here to make them easier to find. Each "Season" consisted of 6 minis, and a bonus mini for "VIP" subscribers who purchase the entire season.
L5R MiniCrate Season 1 (November 2018 - April 2019):
Togashi Yokuni

Matsu Tsuko
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Hida Tomonatsu

Daidoji Uji

Bayushi Shoju

Kaito Kosori

Bonus Mini- Naga Hunter

Season 2 (May 2019 - October 2019):
Moto Chagatai

Togashi Kazue

Hida Kisada

Doji Hotaru

Isawa Tadaka

Akodo Toturi

Bonus Mini- Shosuro Sadako

Season 3 (November 2019 - April 2020):
Mirumoto Prodigy

Shinjo Altansarnai

Doji Ren
(I did manage to get my hands on this mini, here's my take on him)

Bayushi Kyo

Shiba Tsukune. You can compare this mini to her earlier Clan War mini HERE

Miya Satoshi (I find the choice of lighting direction to be interesting. Definitely seems to portray him as villainous.)

Bonus Mini- Tengu Sensei

Season 4 (May 2020 - October 2020):
Ikoma Tsanuri

Shinjo Takuya

Yoritomo (I recently painted the old Clan War mini. Once I get this one in the mail I'll do a side-by-side comparison. They're drastically different.)

Isawa Aki

Bayushi Yojiro

Bonus Mini- Shika Speardancer

Yorrik & I weent halvsies on the Season 4 minis, so we'll be painting those up once we get them in the mail & decide who gets what. I'll do a review of how they paint up in the future.


Season 5 (November 2020 - January 2021): 
Hida Yakamo

Skeletal Bushi

Bayushi Kachiko

This was the final season, and ended rather unexpectedly. That should mean every MiniCrate L5R minis is listed on this page.

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